Episode 008 In the Lab with Eric: Copy a sketch from a pdf and paste it into a live Arduino IDE sketch

In this episode, I show you a simple trick to move a sketch from a pdf into an Arduino sketch. He example is taken from Arduinos without Tears

You can purchase this book from Addie Rose Press here as a pdf, kindle or paperback.

This trick can turn any soft copy like a word doc or a pdf or even a blog post, into a code delivery vehicle.

All we will do is literally, copy the sketch, paste it into a blank Arduino IDE sketch, auto format it and check to make sure no extraneous code come with it.

As an example, we will sue a sketch in chapter 7 of Arduinos without Tears that describes how to calculate a random walk problem using the random function.

You can find the details in Arduinos without Tears .

And, this is just book 1 in the series of Saturday Afternoon Low-Cost Electronics Projects series.

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